The improvement of coexistence in schools is a challenge that must be shared by the whole organization, where teachers, students, families and the rest of social agents must take part. The key element for the progress lies in the implication and action unity of the collectivity and in the planning and putting in practice of complementary actions from the different fields of intervention.
If we concentrate on teachers'collectivity, the bigger the number of teachers involved , the more homogeneous will the intervention criteria be, the larger will the possibility be to obtain the results waited for. Inversely when the main attitude is that of disenchantment or indifference, when the action criteria are not clear or applied in an erratic way, the work in a reduced circle will be of very small use.
In the document La millora de la convivència escolar. Què poden fer-hi els equips directius? /(Improvement of school coexistence. What can members from leading-teams do?) We suggest possible actions to be carried out by school leaders in different situations.
In the present-day documents (summer 2007), taking into account the orders on la convivència a la LOE/Coexistence under the LOE (Organical Law of Education) , we are producing a work , the aim of which is to bring action lines and practical examples for the elaboration of the Pla de Convivencia de Centre / (Planning for the School Coexistence), both from the technical perspective (objectives,intervention fields, planning) that of relationships (to obtain the implication of the different agents that are involved) and the organizational one as well (structure of the improvement process in the dynamic of the school everyday working.