What is GROC?

Friends of GROC Ludic day

What is GROC?


The practice of research based on the collaboration among university teachers and practising school professionals (teachers and headship members), in which a group of persons thinks (analyses, interprets and presents proposals of improvement) about the problems and dilemmas of the teachers, headmasters, headmistresses and other professionals in their every day work, has made up the main distinctive feature of GROC from its foundation (in October 2004) till nowadays.

It is an open group, non-competitive, without any legal institution, whose purpose is to generate a useful knowledge, related to the difficulties and present-day problems of education, from an organizational perspective (considering schools as basic unities for analysis).

The document Bases fundacionales   / Foundational Bases gathers the   origins, the work philosophy, the objectives and the dynamics   of the working of GROC.

The article GROC: la vida en los centros a través de un cristal amarillo / life through a yellow window pane (published in Organización y Gestión Educativa 3, juny 200 ) allows you to know the group more thoroughly.

In the presentation GROC. Grup de Recerca en Organització de Centres   / Group of Research in the Organization of Educational Centres   we can discover which are the main factors that delimit the working of the group.

  The worth of a group falls on the persons. You will discover them here   Miembros GROC 2006-2007 / Groc Members and a couple of photos of the   group.



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