The Sixth Hour at Primary School

In the educational research La sisena hora a Primària. Balanç de resultats, detecció de dificultats i formulació de propostes de millora /( The Sixth Hour at Primary School. Evaluation of the results, detection and formulation of improvement proposals) (may 2007) we carried out a report on its implantation, both from the quantitave point of view (timetables for entering and leaving school, disposition of the teachers' non-teaching hours, timetable for coordination, etc.) and the qualitative one (what is the sixth hour assigned to?, what incidence does it have on the school atmosphere?, How can we solve the unbalance between infants school and primary school?). We also consider in this report , the main difficulties derived from the Sixth Hour and we offer actions of improvement. You will find the complete study , a reduced version and a presentation of the main results.

To realize this study we started from previous works. In the mid 2005-2006 schoolyear, in La posada en marxa de la sisena hora a primària/ (Starting of the Sixth Hour at Primary School) we analysed the main organisative challenges and the cultural transformation that derive from them. We suggested to make schools and their leaders conscious of the amount of work derived from the organisative change which is being planned.

From that first general work, appeared some more reduced ones dealing with more specifical aspects: Posada en marxa de la sisena hora: la fixació del marc horari de centre / (Starting of the Sixth Hour: Fixing the school timetable) ( Guix, 324, pp. 72-82), La sisena hora: una oportunitat per a la vertebració claustral / (The Sixth Hour : an opportunity for the structuring of the teachers' assembly (Unpublished ) and Què farem a la sisena hora? / (What shall we do at the Sixth Hour ?) ( Perspectiva Escolar , 305, pp. 53-60).

Afterwards (may 2005), we elaborated the material La sisena hora: de la regulació administrativa a l'elaboració de l'horari/ (The Sixth Hour: from the administrative regulation to the elaboration of a timetable (( Guix-dos , 326-327, monograph) where we proposed a kind of guide of the process of elaboration of the school timetable. It was the base text that the members of GROC used in the formation of school leading teams.
Joan Teixidó Saballs © 2007 Copyrights